Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Demerol - The Cost - Pt II

I learned a year ago that withdrawal from a drug like Demerol can have some serious effects on the body.  Your mind somehow creates real pain in order to trick you into getting another shot to stop the pain from returning.  After a while, I became trapped in a vicious downward spiral that became harder and harder to escape with each injection.  Then came the ultrasound.

In 2008, June found me in Denver a week and a half before that year’s District Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses.  I arrived on Tuesday, with the endoscopic ultrasound scheduled for a week from that Thursday.  The friends at whose house I stayed were gone most of the week.  When they returned, she made a huge dinner; the next night, we all went out to eat.  By Sunday, I could tell that I’d eaten too much since arriving; as my abdomen was swelling and starting to hurt. 

By Monday morning, the pain was intolerable; the Percocet I’d been prescribed was not strong enough to dull the pain, even after taking two or three at a time, so I was admitted to University Hospital in Denver, CO.

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