Monday, June 20, 2011

2012? ... Is the earth wobbling?

I discovered a few video clips online from individuals claiming the sun has risen in different places and at different times. I was very skeptical; the camera angle could have been altered to make it appear to be in a different spot. That is, until one of my best friends told me that he'd seen it, tooonly thirty miles or so from my house! He'd noted the sunrise last Tuesday morning (June 14), filed it away and went on to his job. The next morning, however, the sun did not rise in the same placeor at the same time; it was over an hour late!

Combine this with the globally-noted sunrise in Greenland (it's all over the Internet)—two days early!!  Something really, really frakked up is going on here!

I've been getting up early lately, taking dated pictures of the sunrise, and so far I haven't seen anything different. But I have taken note of the rash of bizarre weather patterns all over the country, and especially the weird behavior in our local wildlife here in Colorado, such as deer and elk shedding their horns and antlers two to three months late. Something has happened to their “internal clock”! What could do that?

Years ago, I read a series of books by one Immanuel Velikovsky. He wrote some pretty “heretical” stuff, about Venus suddenly appearing on the scene only a few thousand years ago, and how it may have caused the earth's poles to flip. He also indicated that it can, and probably will, happen again. At least, that's what I recall of them, but I remember feeling very strongly that his theories were dead on. I even checked out a copy of each volume from the local library when I moved west in 1984, with the intent of never returning them (though eventually I did).  They were becoming an integral part of my self-made belief system, until my life took a different turn the following year.

I have recently re-discovered his books and am beginning to read them again. The last time I read them was over twenty years ago; perhaps I'll have the wisdom this time to really pay attention and learn something new.

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