Tuesday, June 21, 2011

2012? ... The so-called "Comet" Elenin

Here is a link to NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) website showing an animation of what they are calling a "comet," but I know now that it's not a comet in 'any way shape or form'!


This "comet" will be crossing our path (quite literally) by September of this year, 2011.  It will swing through between the orbits of Earth and Venus and on November 4/5 we will be passing through it's debris cloud, only .232 AU (Astronomical Units, 1 AU = distance from earth to sun).  THIS THING IS HAPPENING AND IT'S VERY REAL!

Using NASA's animation at the sight shown above, I have seen with my own eyes how every major earthquake in the past few years, including those in New Zealand, Chile, China, and Japan, has occurred when our sun, the earth, and this "comet" has formed a straight line, an "alignment" of epic proportions.  A comet would not add to our sun's already-powerful gravitational field; only a star would do that, and that's what the prevailing consensus is now: it's a brown dwarf star that orbits like a comet, swinging back into our neighborhood every 9,900 years or so.

Well, folks, IT'S BACK!

The Mayans may have pointed to December, 2012, and maybe something will be still be here at that time, but this "comet/star" will cross our orbit THIS YEAR!!

There is also a great deal of chatter online, and videos to confirm it, about four other hugely significant happenings that we all should be paying attention to:

1.  There are now 2 (two) "suns" visible in our sunsets; our normal Sol, and another that appears about 1.4 of Sol's size, and it's on the other side of our sun, so it's only visible for now during a sunset.

2.  The sun has been rising in different places and at different times for the past six months or so.  There are lots and lots of accounts online, and just a week ago one of my best friends saw it for himself!  The sun rose in a particular spot last Tuesday, and in a completely different spot the next two days...and over an hour later!

3.  On January 11 of this year, Greenland saw the sun rise a full two days early!  It wasn't supposed to come up until the 13th!  This has been extremely well-documented by major news sources.

4.  There is a portion of the night sky very near the constellation of Orion that has been blacked out on purpose!  Earlier images clearly show a star system; now it's gone.  It is a perfectly-rectangular section rather far away that has been cut out, and it's apparently the only section of the night sky that has been "deleted" from Goggle Sky's database!  WHY??

This shit's real, folks, and it's time to begin examining our priorities and planning for "the real deal" sooner rather than later...because "later" will be too late!

I will be posting more detailed information on these events soon; I want to make sure I have all the facts at my disposal straight and verified.

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