I've used the Firefox web browser for years, and the latest version, 5.0, held promise until many realized that it is excruciatingly slow and hangs constantly. I did a 'solution search' and found a lead related to the "hardware acceleration" feature. Everything I found said to make sure this feature is activated, so I checked. Mine was already activated...so I disabled it and restarted Firefox, and now it seems to be running just fine. If you are experiencing this problem, try turning off "hardware acceleration" in Firefox's preferences.
I'm using a Linux-based operating system called "Ubuntu." I bailed on Windows entirely recently, as Ubuntu has some major kick-ass applications, many of which put Windows programs to shame...and they're FREE!! Ninety-nine percent of Linux/Ubuntu software is open-source and free to use, modify and distribute. Incredible!
I'll post more on Ubuntu later, but for now, I would strongly recommend folks to start checking into this option, and ditch Microsoft!